Carcinoma mucoepiderm車ide de brˋnquio: uma rara causa de pneumonia recorrente em uma crianˋa

作者:Ogata; Daniel Cury; Ioshii; Sergio Ossamu; Blum; Ricardo Reis; Dondoni; Paulo Henrique; Akamine; Sergio Kenji; Battaglin; Fernando Schuster; Pianovski; Mara Albonei Dudeque
来源:Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial, 2007.


the authors report a case of patient of 13 years of age that presented chronic cough and recurrent pneumonia, whose bronchoscopy showed a polipoid mass obstructing upper right segmental bronchus. biopsy was performed and revealed low-grade mucoepidermoid carcinoma. subsequently, the patient was submitted to a bilobectomy. nowadays, the patient has been met well in follow-up of 14 months in our department.
