
the present work is a bibliometric study of the cuban scientific production on steroids indexed by scopus, from 1996 to 2006, in order to identify the most productive authors and journals, the different co-authorship teams, and the main research fronts. it was obtained a total of 79 articles, signed by 220 authors. the co-authorship index was 4.81. the papers were published in 49 journals from 13 countries. a growth of the scientific production during the period was observed; however, it has not been achieved a remarked production in highly specialized journals yet. 59.5 % of the articles were cited, and the average of citation per article was 3.25. there were identified collaboration networks that allowed the analysis of the main research fronts on steroids, which were in correspondence with the knowledge structures observed in the co-occurrence networks of terms and descriptors. the main thematic cores identified in the cuban scientific production on steroids were related to the synthesis of steroids, brassinosteroids and analogues; the effects and consequences of their use as contraceptive and aborting drugs; their application in the treatment of diseases like asthma and allergy; the steroids bioconversion; and the extraction of steroids from natural sources.
