
the aboveground biomass of a %26quot;campina%26quot; ecosystem was estimated in roraima, in the northern portion of brazilian amazonia. the biomass was determined from a phytosociological inventory (1 ha) and distributed between two categories: (1) grassy-woody, composed of %26quot;herbs+lichens%26quot; (poaceae, cyperaceae, eriocaulaceae, cladonia spp), bromeliaceae, seedlings, fine and coarse litter and, (2) woody, composed of trees and bushes. the grassy-woody category was estimated by the direct method (cutting and weighing) in 10 1-m2 plots, taking advantage of transects of the inventory. the category woody was estimated by the indirect method cutting 98 individuals of different species and diameters. a model was generated to express the relationship among total dry above-ground biomass (kg), base circumference (cm) and total height (m) for the individuals in this category. the equation was applied to the 3,966 ind.ha-1 observed in the inventory. the total biomass was estimated at 15.91 t.ha-1, of which 2.20 ㊣ 0.23 t.ha-1 (13.8%) was in the grassy-woody category and 13.70 ㊣ 7.13 t.ha -1 (86.2%) in woody category. the tree species with the highest biomass was humiria balsamifera (aubl.) st. hill. (8.43 t.ha-1), followed by pagamea guianensis aubl. (1.14 t.ha-1). these results are important for refining the calculations of greenhouse-gas emissions from burning and decomposition of above-ground biomass in %26quot;campina%26quot; ecosystems in the amazon region.
