
In vehicular communication system, the full-duplex relay technology can meet the requirement of low delay and alleviate the shortage of spectrum resources. However, the information transmitted by the source vehicle is independent of each other in the vehicular communication scenario, and the node modulation is usually asymmetric. In this case, the asymmetric transmission increases the decoding error in a full-duplex transceiver with the residual self-interference. A full-duplex strategy with asymmetric modulation is presented to solve this problem, where the network coding with decode-forward and joint-modulation is utilized to reduce the end-to-end bit error rate caused by asymmetric modulation. The optimal constraint conditions for power variation are analyzed under the effect of residual self-interference, and the corresponding optimal power allocation intervals are obtained. Numerical simulations show that the proposed method can be used to find the optimal power ratio and the end-to-end bit error rate (BER) performance is optimal within a given power interval.