Voc那 conhece esta s赤ndrome?

作者:Ottoni; Fernanda Assis; Froes; Giselle Carvalho; Pimenta; Mariana Rodrigues; Vale; Everton Carlos Siviero do
来源:Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia, 2006.


a case of fanconi anemia is reported, with typical cutaneous manifestations of diffuse hyperpigmentation and caf谷-au-lait spots. he also presented thumb hypoplasia, short stature, cataract, hypoacusis, pelvic kidneys and chromosome breakage. presently 30-years-old, the patient is stable, with leukopenia and macrocytosis without clinical symptoms, in contrast to usual prognosis of this syndrome, which involves early death due to complications of bone marrow aplasia, leukemia and solid tumors.
