A utilidade dos indicadores da qualidade no gerenciamento de laborat車rios cl赤nicos

作者:Vieira; Keila Furtado; Shitara; Edson Shusaku; Mendes; Maria Elizabete; Sumita; Nairo Massakazu
来源:Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial, 2011.


the use of quality indicators has been appreciated in laboratory management so as to optimize quality and error quantification in several laboratory processes. furthermore, it assists in the implementation of preventive and corrective measures and it shows their corresponding efficiency. the objective of the present study is to discuss the evolution of quality, mainly in the laboratory area, focusing on the importance of quality indicators in laboratory management. some pre-analytical, analytical and post-analytical laboratory indicators are also presented and discussed in this work. finally, we highlight the brazilian initiative in the laboratory indicator program developed by the brazilian society of clinical pathology and laboratory medicine (sbpc/ml) in partnership with control-lab and the model of quality indicator project, which has been developed by the international federation of clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine (ifcc).
