Influ那ncia do tamanho do frasco de tuberculina nos resultados da prova tubercul赤nica

作者:Ruffino Netto; Antonio; Kritski; Afranio Lineu; Teixeira; Eleny Guimares; Loredo; Carla Conceio dos Santos; Souza; Danielle Novelo de; Trajman; Anete
来源:Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia, 2005.


background: tuberculin purified protein derivative is stored in vials of various sizes. its adsorption to the vial can influence the results of tuberculin tests. objective: to evaluate the effect of vial size on the results obtained in tuberculin tests. methods: sixty-four inpatients with active tuberculosis were submitted to two simultaneous tuberculin tests using the mantoux technique. patients were randomly allocated to receive two 0.1-ml injections, either one in the right forearm from a 1.5-ml vial and one in the left forearm from a 5-ml vial or vice versa. induration was determined in a blinded fashion by a single, previously trained observer. right arm-left arm differences of 2 mm or less were considered concordant results. results: twenty-one patients presented no induration and were excluded from analysis. among the 42 remaining patients, mean induration diameters obtained in tuberculin tests using the larger vials were greater than those obtained in tests using the smaller vials. concordance was achieved in 40.5% (17/42). the difference was negative (large-vial indurations smaller than small-vial indurations) in 16.7% (7/42) and positive in 42.9% (18/42). conclusions: the size of the vial may influence tuberculin test results. adsorption to the sides of the vial may explain this phenomenon. the authors caution others to be aware of the impact of these variations in epidemiological and operational studies.
