maternal ingestion of ethanol during lactation alters the chemical composition of milk, results in the appearance of ethanol and acetaldehyde in milk, and exacerbates the effects of ethanol on the rat pups. so that, the effect on respiratory epithelium and anterior and posterior septal glands in 21-day-old suckling pups of ethanol treated mothers was studied. female rats received dinking water ad libitum containing ethanol (20%) throughout the whole lactation. control animals received a similar volume of water without ethanol. lactent rats (21 day-old) were killed by lethal dose of anesthetic. the heads were serially sectioned (6米m thick) in a frontal plain, and stained with haematoxylin and eosin. cell nuclear parameters were estimated, as well as cytoplasm and cell volume, nucleus-cytoplasm ratio, number and surface densities, and epithelial thickness. mean body weight of the pups was 34.9 g for the controls and 20.2 g for the treated group. histologically, the respiratory epithelium was thinner, with more numerous and smaller cells and small nuclei. the posterior septal glands showed smaller acini. in this paper, ethanol induced epithelial (respiratory and glandular) hypotrophy, indicating a direct action in nasal mucous cells, besides retarded development in pups