
the intense economic exploration has caused a decrease of the original stock of amazon woody species, including those of high natural durability used in soil contact. the lack of those species results in increased price that makes economically unfeasible of the use, an alternative is the replacement by planted species of fast-growing treated with preservatives. another advantage of to use species planted to replace the traditional species is environmental, because this will reduce the exploratory pressure on these species. the objective of this study is to evaluate the degree of biological degradation of eucalyptus citriodora wood (corymbia citriodora (hook.) k.d. hill %26 l.a.s. johnson) treated with chromated copper arsenate (cca) under vacuum and pressure process and exposed in field experiment in rio branco-ac. the experiment was implemented in may 2005 with cuttings treated with cca and not treated. the variables evaluated were: 1) degradation by fungi, 2) degradation by termites, and 3) region or part of the piece affected. after the 3rd evaluation (47 months of test), 100% of the specimens without treated were classified with the maximum degree of degradation and, in contrast, 100% of the specimens treated with cca, after 60 months of test, were classified with the minimum degree of degradation. the parties of the pieces without treatment with the higher and the lesser degrees of degradation were, respectively, the inferior head and the aerial part above 10 cm of soil. the degradation caused by fungi was slightly lower than that of termites. the field experiment has shown that is technically feasible the use of eucalyptus wood to replace the traditional species of the amazon.
