The end of the XXth century has been accompanied by social and cultural changes that have allowed women to start accessing spaces in which they had been historically excluded. This has given them the possibility of playing an active role in Academia and Science, as well. What made women develop an interest in Academia? Wow did they gain access? How were they able to make their discoveries and contributions? What kinds of recognition have they been granted by university and scientific communities and/or society? Why do so many women quit and abandon their studies along the way? How is it possible to conciliate academic activity and personal life? How can we explain the incongruity of the equality in presence of men and women in the scientific field and the differences in access to decision-making positions and recognition in this field? These questions demand a better understanding of the situation of women in Academia in order to make their contributions in the different fields of knowledge more visible and disseminated. Also, analyze with more detail the barriers that still preclude women from increasing their professional growth and personal realization. El final del siglo XX ha estado acompa ado de transformaciones socioculturales que han permitido que las mujeres empiecen a acceder a los 芍mbitos en los que hist車ricamente hab赤an estado excluidas, y con ello a la posibilidad de jugar un papel activo dentro de la academia y las ciencias. Qu谷 las hizo interesarse en la academia?, c車mo tuvieron acceso?, c車mo hicieron sus descubrimientos y contribuciones?, qu谷 reconocimientos han tenido por parte de la comunidad cient赤fica y universitaria y/o de la sociedad? Por qu谷 tantas mujeres se van y abandonan su preparaci車n en distintas etapas del camino? C車mo conciliar el desempe o acad谷mico y la propia vida? C車mo explicar la incongruencia entre la igualdad presencial de mujeres y hombres en el 芍mbito cient赤fico y las diferencias en el acceso a puestos de toma de decisi車n y de reconocimiento en este 芍mbito? Ante estas interrogantes se impone hoy entender mejor la situaci車n de las acad谷micas, evidenciar y difundir sus aportaciones en los distintos campos del conocimiento y analizar con mayor detalle los obst芍culos que a迆n impiden su creciente desarrollo profesional y realizaci車n personal.