Doenˋa de Mucha-Habermann 迆lceronecr車tica febril em adulto com boa resposta 角 corticoterapia oral

作者:Nassif; Priscila Wolf; Godoy; Deise Aparecida Santos; Nakandakari; Sadamitsu; Alves; Cinthia Janine Meira; Soares; Cleverson Teixeira
来源:Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia, 2010.


the febrile ulceronecrotic mucha-habermann (fumhd) disease is a rare variant of pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta (pleva). its etiology still remains unknown and it is characterized by a sudden onset of ulceronecrotic skin lesions associated with systemic symptons. it is reported here the case of a male patient with a sudden and acute evolution of macules and papules, ulceronecrotic and vesicle-bullous lesions associated with systemic symptons. the patient was treated with prednisone 0,5 mg/kg/day with a dramatic response. the fumhd is a severe variant of pleva and its diagnosis is clinical and histopathological. many treatments such as methotrexate, corticosteroids and puva have been described .however, none of them has been settled.
