a study of the order agaricales clements (hymenomycetes, basidiomycotina), occurring in the reserva biol車gica walter egler was carried out from december 2000 to june 2001. the area of study is situated at road am-010, manaus-itacoatiara, km 64, latitude 02~ 43%26apos; s and longitude 59~ 47%26apos; w, rio preto da eva, in the state of amazonas, with a total area of 709 ha of terra firme rain forest. the fungi collected were identified based on traditional methodology for identification of agaricales. a total of 39 species were studied, distributed in 13 genera and six families: polyporaceae: pleurotus sp.; hygrophoraceae: hygrocybe cf. megistospora, hygrocybe aff. miniceps, hygrocybe occidentalis var. scarletina and eight indeterminate species of hygrocybe; tricholomataceae: clitocybe sp., hydropus sp.1 and hydropus sp.2, macrocystidia sp., marasmiellus sp., marasmius bellus, marasmius haedinus var. haedinus, marasmius cf. leoninus, marasmius cf. mazatecus, marasmius cf. ruber, marasmius cf. setulosifolius, marasmius tageticolor, marasmius cf. variabiliceps var. variabiliceps, marasmius sp.1, marasmius sp.2, marasmius sp.3 and marasmius sp.4, tricholoma sp.; agaricaceae: agaricus sp.1 and agaricus sp.2, lepiota sp., cystoderma sp.; entolomataceae: entoloma cf. azureoviride, entoloma cf. cystidiophorum, entoloma strigosissima, entoloma sp.; russulaceae: lactarius panuoides. entoloma azureoviride, hygrocybe miniceps, lactarius panuoides, marasmius cf. mazatecus, marasmius cf. setulosifolius and marasmius variabiliceps var. variabiliceps, apparently are here cited for the first time from brazil. with exception of marasmius tageticolor, all species are cited here for the first time as occurring in egler forest. the tables with the species occurrence, in accordance with the topographical gradient (sand bank, incline, plateau) and its respective habitat, are supplied.