Anatom赤a del H赤gado de la Rata Wistar (Rattus norvegicus)

作者:Mller Bredo; Richard; Vazquez Odo; Noelia
来源:International Journal of Morphology, 2011.


the laboratory rat (rattus norvegicus albinus) has long been used as a model for medical, biological and molecular research. it is interesting that there are no detailed descriptions of the gross anatomy of the liver and ligaments that attach it to the abdominal wall. the aim of this study is to define clearly and according to the principles of the nomina anatomica veterinaria, the liver and the form of attachment in this species of laboratory mammal. eighty eight rats (rattus novergicus albinus) were used with a weight between 250 and 450 grams. they were freshly dissected after being euthanized by an overdose of thiopental sodium given intraperitoneally. an incision from the xiphoid cartilage up to the pubic region was made and another on each costal arch toward the dorsal. six well defined lobes were observed; gallbladder was not present. forms of attachment were similar to those described for the dog except for the presence of the hepatoomental ligament.
