
Objetivou-se determinar as exig那ncias de energia digest赤vel para o piau u. Foram utilizados 250 p車s-larvas com peso e comprimento m谷dio inicial de 0,56 ㊣ 0,02 g e 3,60 ㊣ 0,42 cm, respectivamente. O experimento foi realizado em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com 5 tratamentos (2600; 2700; 2800; 2900 e 3000 kcal de ED kg-1 de ra o) numa ra o isoprote赤ca com 28% PB. Os 赤ndices viscerossom芍ticos n o diferiram significativamente. O n赤vel de energia n o influenciou significativamente no peso final, ganho de peso, taxa de efici那ncia prot谷ica e taxa de sobreviv那ncia. Verificou-se aumento linear no consumo de energia digest赤vel e efeito linear decrescente do n赤vel de energia sobre o teor de prote赤na da carca a. Observou-se efeito linear positivo para o teor de gordura e aporcentagem de gordura no ganho de peso. Para o ganho de peso que aumentou de forma quadr芍tica at谷 o n赤vel de 2.821 kcal de ED kg-1, a exig那ncia de energia digest赤vel de piau u 谷 de 2.700 kcal de ED kg-1. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of energy levels on the piau u (Leporinus macrocephalus) productive performance. Two hundred and fifty post larvae, average initial weight and length of 0.56 ㊣ 0.02 g and 3.60 ㊣ 0.42 cm respectively, were assigned to 25 aquariums with 100 L and stocking rate of 10 fishes/aquarium. The experiment was carried out according to a completely randomized design, with 5 treatments (2600, 2700, 2800, 2900 and 3000 kcal DE kg-1 of a isoprotein ration with 28% CP) and five replications. Viscera-somatic index did not differ among treatments. Final weight, weight gain, protein efficiency rate and survival rate were not affected by the energy level. Linear increase of digestible energy intake and decreasing linear effect of energy levels on carcass protein content, as dietary digestible energy level increased, were observed. The level of 2,700 kcal DE kg-1 showed the higher protein values. A positive linear effect among the dietary DE levels and fat content and the fat percentage in weight gain were also observed, which increased in a quadratic way up to the level of 2,821 kcal DE kg-1. The digestible energy requirement for piau u fingerlings in the post larvae phase is 2,700 kcal DE kg-1.
