This research shows an analysis of the main motivational models applied to foreign language acquisition and is aimed at identifying the motivational variables that present the highest influence in the strategic acquisition of a foreign language. The questionnaire Autoeficacia y Motivaci車n Acad谷mica was given to a sample of 564 subjects (309 males and 254 females) who were studying 3rd (41.030%) and 4th (28.597%) of Secondary Education and 1st year of High School (30.373%) in two schools of the Comunidad de Madrid (41.7% in a public school and 58.3% in a private school). Results show that values of items related to instrumental motivation are the highest. Females obtained higher results in all factors studied in the same way as the private school with the exception of the variable Perceived Ability which was higher in the public school. La investigaci車n realiza una revisi車n de los principales modelos motivacionales aplicados al aprendizaje de idiomas y se centra en la identificaci車n de aquellas variables motivacionales que m芍s inciden en el aprendizaje estrat谷gico de una lengua extranjera. Para ello, se aplic車 el Cuestionario de Autoeficacia y Motivaci車n Acad谷mica a una muestra de 564 sujetos (309 varones y 254 mujeres) pertenecientes a 3.o (41,030%) y 4.o (28,597%) de ESO y 1.o de Bachillerato (30,373%) de dos centros educativos de la CM (41,7%, centro p迆blico y 58,3%, centro privado). Los resultados muestran que las puntuaciones en los 赤tems que indican motivaci車n instrumental (motivos profesionales y de reconocimiento social) son los m芍s altos. Las mujeres obtienen puntuaciones m芍s altas en todos los factores as赤 como el centro privado, salvo en la variable Habilidad Percibida, que es superior en el centro p迆blico.