This article reexamines Peter III and Prince John*s documentation (1339-1380) regarding the Grandes Chroniques de France. These documents are linked to a Catalan translation of the French historical compilation. This Catalan translation (ACA, Register 894) was carried out at the Royal Chancery shortly before 1351. Its extant folio belongs to a high-quality manuscript copy that was probably never completed. Its French original might be the copy Peter III owned by 1339 and lost by 1361. If this is the case, the French original manuscript would contain Primat*s Roman des rois and a continuation up until Philip the Bold (such as BnF, MS nouv. acq. fr. 1004). The Infant John may have asked Charles V for Pierre d*Orgemont*s update. Aquest treball reexamina la documentaci車 (1339-1380) de Pere III i l*infant Joan referent a les Grandes Chroniques de France i la relaciona amb la traducci車 catalana, conservada fragment角riament al registre 894 de l*ACA. La traducci車 es va executar poc abans de 1351 a la cancelleria reial; el foli conservat correspon a l*inici d*un exemplar de qualitat que no es devia acabar mai (vegeu-ne la reproducci車 i l*edici車). 谷s probable que l*original franc豕s fos el que tenia Pere III el 1339 i havia extraviat el 1361. En aquest cas, es tractaria del Roman des rois de Primat amb una continuaci車 fi ns a Felip l*Ardit (com la del ms. nouv. acq. fr. 10043 de la BnF); l*infant Joan ja podia demanar a Carles V l*actualitzaci車 de Pierre d*Orgemont.