
作者:Dai Yonggang; Lu Chenglong*; Zhang Yinfeng; Zhang Guotao
来源:硅酸盐通报, 2021, 40(8): 2726-2733and2747.


Foamed ceramics were prepared by commercially formula of polishing slag system, and the effects of sintering temperature on foaming properties of samples were studied. By contrastive analysis, the microstructure, linear shrinkage rate and volume expansion rate of samples with foaming agents were reseached, and the effects of pore structure on the strength and thermal stability were studied. It was found that, polishing slags can foam by itself, forming spherical pores with size of 10 μm to 200 μm (1 160 ℃ to 1 220 ℃). And the walls of pores were dense. It is very sensitive to sintering temperature, in the range of 1 180 ℃ to 1 200 ℃, the volume of the foamed ceramics sample expanded twice. The foaming property of samples with SiC was significantly improved, the pores were irregular, and the pore size of samples increased by 10 times. After adding foaming agent, There were small pores in the pore wall, which made the strength and the thermal conductivity loss less, while the porosity increased. However, the distribution of pores in the wall was uneven, decreasing the thermal stability of the foamed ceramics. ? 2021 Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society Press. All Rights Reserved.
