At around 1830 the use of pianos in Valencia becomes widespread. One of the most significant events that marked the progressive and increasing normalization of its use in the city was precisely the appearance of indigenous workshops dedicated to the piano-makings. Those first craftsmen who, in some cases 每like for example, Pedro G車mez每, knew the ins and outs of the construction of the novel pianistic mechanics out of the country, opened their workshops in the decade of 1830 putting with it on record that already at that time started a local demand of instruments that justified sufficiently its work. It has been obtained information of four factories that worked between 1830 and the beginning of the 20th century. This said documentation states that the Valencian instruments made during that period (1830每1915) as much obtained great success in the internal market as in the outsider, and obtained prestigious awards in exhibitions and national and foreign displays. Also has provided with the knowledge of the production and marketing systems of those workshops, and of the characteristics that had the Valencian pianos made at the diverse times; that information has helped to value the economic and social function that had the Valencian manufacture of pianos in the 19th century and has allowed its comparison with the developed one in other Spanish provinces during the same time. Hacia 1830 comenz車 a generalizarse el uso del piano en Valencia. Uno de los hechos m芍s significativos que marcaron la progresiva y creciente normalizaci車n de su utilizaci車n en la ciudad fue precisamente la aparici車n de talleres aut車ctonos dedicados a la fabricaci車n de pianos. Esos primeros artesanos que, en algunos casos 每como por ejemplo, Pedro G車mez每, conocieron los entresijos de la construcci車n de la novedosa mec芍nica pian赤stica fuera del pa赤s, abrieron sus talleres en la d谷cada de 1830 dejando constancia con ello de que ya se iniciaba por entonces en Valencia una demanda local de instrumentos que justificaba suficientemente su labor. Se han obtenido datos de cuatro f芍bricas de pianos que funcionaron entre 1830 y principios del siglo XX. Dicha documentaci車n constata que los instrumentos valencianos construidos durante aquel per赤odo (1830-1915) obtuvieron gran aceptaci車n tanto en el mercado interno como en el for芍neo, y consiguieron prestigiosos galardones en exposiciones y muestras nacionales y extranjeras. Tambi谷n se ha facilitado el conocimiento de los sistemas de producci車n y comercializaci車n de aquellos talleres, y de las caracter赤sticas organol車gicas que poseyeron los pianos va