
using bacteriological (culture) and molecular (pcr - restriction enzyme analysis, pra) methods, we investigated the presence of environmental mycobacteria in tap water, antiseptic solutions and surgical gloves, used in carrying out surgical procedures at the get迆lio vargas university hospital surgical center, in manaus -amazonas/brazil. samples (105) were collected and analyzed from: tap water (24 - collected from 3 taps in the surgical center); povidone-iodine solution, pvp-i, (8); chlorhexidine solution (7), that were used to hygienize surgeons' hands; surgical gloves (39); and solutions that were effectively used during the surgical procedure (27). using bacteriological method 41 mycobacteria were isolated, all from samples of tap water. using pra, mycobacterial dna was detected only in the sample from water that provided over 100 colonies per inoculated culture tubes. the isolated were identified as mycobacterium celatum pattern ii, m. gordonae pattern iii, m. gordonae pattern vi, m. intracellulare pattern i, m. lentiflavum pattern iii and m. mucogenicum pattern i. the isolating of m. mucogenicum, a species that had already been incriminated for causing post-surgical outbreaks in tap water from the surgical center, indicates that cleaning and monitoring procedures must be carried out in every place of water distribution. this may be necessary to prevent nosological mycobacteriosis outbreaks induced by the use of water in different activities such as handling and hygienizing patients submitted to invasive procedures.
