
作者:Chen Jiqing; Li Xiaoting; Lan Fengchong*; Li Weijian
来源:Qiche Gongcheng/automotive Engineering, 2023, 45(11): 2034-2046.


Under the trend of vehicle intelligence and electrification, it is an important optimization goal of the regionalized thermal environment management performance of the passenger compartment to meet the requirements of both human thermal comfort and vehicle energy saving. Especially in the narrow space environment with highly non-uniform heat flow characteristics, the thermal environment of the passenger compartment can be optimized efficiently only by correctly understanding and quantifying the differences and related effect of local human body heating, response and heat demand. Therefore, combing the physical and physiological thermal regulation characteristics of the human body and its relationship with the environmental heat transfer of the passenger compartment, a numerical analysis model of the thermal response of the human body is established to analyze the variation law of human skin temperature and thermal sensation under the effect of non-uniform local heat flow. The influence factor analysis method is applied to quantify the characteristics of the relationship between local and overall thermal sensation, and different key parts of the effect of local heat flow on the overall thermal sensation of the human body are obtained. The results show that under the same intensity of cold/heat excitation, the head and hands of the human body are the main parts that affect the overall thermal sensation of the human body, with the largest variation amplitudes of the skin temperature and thermal sensation response. In a high temperature environment, the key parts with requirement for local cooling are the head, hands, chest and back in turn while in a cold environment those with requirement for local heating are the head, hands and feet. ? 2023 SAE-China.
