[Purpose/Significance] Weibo communication effect evaluation can help enterprises to more accurately un? derstand the communication of their brands, events, public opinions and other information on social platforms. However, due to the negative influence of water army and fake fans, it is difficult to measure the true communication effect of microb? log. [Method/Process] Based on the interaction behavior of Weibo users, this paper proposed the algorithm of user inter? action influence degree on the basis of interaction intensity, and introduced the concepts of topic communication depth, width, rate, efficiency and user communication contribution degree, so as to evaluate the communication effect of enter? prise microblog in a relatively complete way. [Results/Conclusion] Simulation results showed that the interaction influence degree algorithm was in good agreement with the real situation, which can effectively eliminate the influence of false interac? tive data. The verification results of the official microblog of “Huawei Mobile” showed that the above methods can conduct in -depth analysis of the communication effect from multiple dimensions, and the analysis framework was reasonable and effec? tive. The analysis results can also provide suggestions for the improvement of brand communication and social marketing of enterprises. ? 2021 Editorial Board of Journal of Modern Information.
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