
De ratas Sprague Dawley tanto normales como irradiadas con dosis diarias de 1, 2, 4, 8, y 16 J/cm2 durante 15 d赤as emitidas por el l芍ser AsGa equivalente a 904 nm previamente anestesiadas, fueron quir迆rgicamente obtenidas muestras de h赤gado, las que posteriormente fueron procesadas para microscop赤a 車ptica, siendo estudiadas y sometidas a t谷cnicas morfom谷tricas utilizando aumentos de 1000X, con especial 谷nfasis en cuantificar 芍reas de n迆cleos y nucleolos. El an芍lisis de los resultados entre hepatocitos normales e irradiados revela que existen marcadas diferencias entre sus 芍reas tanto nucleares como nucleolares, concluy谷ndose que los efectos de estas dosis de radiaci車n infrarroja provoca en los hepatocitos una dr芍stica transformaci車n en sus componentes y por ende en su funcionalidad, principalmente en la relativa a la s赤ntesis proteica, representando el efecto de estas estimulaciones sobre este tipo celular de elevado metabolismo. Liver samples were taken from previously anaesthetised Sprague Dawley rats, both normal and irradiated with daily doses of 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 J/cm2 applied over 15 days by AsGa laser equivalent to 904 nm. These samples were then processed for optical microscopy. They were studied and subjected to morphometric techniques using 1000X magnification, placing special emphasis on the quantification of the areas of nuclei and nucleoli. An analytic comparison of the results between normal and irradiated hepatocytes reveals the existence of significant differences between both the nuclear and nucleolar areas studied, from which it is concluded that the effect of these doses of infrared radiation is to provoke a drastic transformation in the components of the hepatocytes, and therefore in their functioning, principally with respect to protein synthesis, and that this would be the effect of stimulation of this nature on this type of high-metabolism cell.
