Aneurisma venoso no p谷: relato de casos e revisˋo da literatura

作者:Dourado; Octavio Cascaes; Miranda; Aristoteles Guilliod de; Pinheiro Filho; Antonio; Dourado; Luciana Oliveira
来源:Jornal Vascular Brasileiro, 2006.


we report two cases of venous aneurysms of the foot, presented as a nonpulsatile, painless mass on the back of the foot, with no history of trauma. doppler ultrasonography showed an anechoic, oval mass communicating with the vein and venous signal suggestive of venous aneurysm. the diagnosis was confirmed by histopathologic analysis, with aneurysmal dilatation involving the three layers of the venous wall. the treatment consisted of ligation and surgical excision. venous aneurysms are relatively rare, and their presence has been reported in many locations, particularly in the lower limbs. any venous aneurysms of the foot were found in the review of the literature.
