The photometric behavior of the moon's surface describes how the reflected solar radiation varies with incidence, emission, and solar phase angles, depending on the physical and chemical properties of the lunar soils, such as the particle size, the shape, the porosity, and the mineralogical composition. In order to analyze the lunar photometric behavior and understand the reason of regional differences, we retrieved the photometric parameters of Hapke model using the moon mineralogy mapper data in the Apollo 16 landing area. The influence of the Hapke model photometric parameters on the bidirectional reflectance was analyzed. The inversion results showed that the parameter b and hS of the model varied slightly, while the parameter w of the model changed to certain extent. The difference of reflectance is mainly caused by the w in the study area. The mineral particles in the study area in lunar soil forward scattering dominates. The soil structure and particle size are overall similar, but at least one factor of the porosity, the weathering layer filling state, the surface roughness and other factors is different.