Diabetes mellitus: fatores de risco, ocorr那ncia e cuidados entre trabalhadores de enfermagem

作者:Tavares; Darlene Mara dos Santos; Reis; Nayara Araujo; Dias; Flavia Aparecida; Lopes; Fabiana Augusta Moreira
来源:ACTA Paulista de Enfermagem, 2010.


objective: to identify the occurrence of diabetes mellitus (dm), risk factors, stress and health-care activities performed by diabetic nursing workers. methods: this is a descriptive study with 418 professional nurses, working at a university hospital. data were collected through a semi-structured instrument and were analyzed using the frequency distribution, the chi-square test (p %26lt;0.05) and the odds ratio. results: most of the professionals were female and had between 20 and 30 years of age. all risk factors for dm were present, including the factors that can be modified. it was found a larger proportion of diabetic workers that had: overweight; arterial hypertension and capillary blood glucose altered, when compared to those without the disease. it was not found an increased likelihood of developing dm among nursing workers who reported stress. the workers with dm did not attend to the monthly follow up(69.2%); they were treated in private services (70%); and, they did not participate in educational activities (92.3%). conclusion: it is necessary to develop health actions aimed to the workers, in order to prevent dm.
