Traduˋˋo e adaptaˋˋo cultural do Charing Cross Venous Ulcer Questionnaire - Brasil

作者:Couto; Renata Cardoso; Leal; Flavia de Jesus; Pitta; Guilherme Benjamin Brando; Bezerra; Rita de Cassia B; Segundo; Walmir S S; Porto; Tatiana de Mendona
来源:Jornal Vascular Brasileiro, 2012.


background: the translation and cultural adaptation are steps that will allow an instrument created in a particular language and culture might be used in another cultural context. the charing cross venous ulcer questionnaire (ccvuq) is a quality of life questionnaire in english for patients with venous ulcers that need to be translated and culturally adapted to be used in brazil. objective: to translate and culturally adapt to the brazilian the ccvuq. methods: the process consisted of two translations and two back translations performed by freelance translators, evaluation of versions, followed by the development of consensus version and pre-test commented. results: in the process of translating some words and expressions were changed in its literal aspect. pre-test evaluation indicated changes were needed for better understanding of the respondent. the average time to respond to the questionnaire was 5 minutes and 23 seconds. conclusion: the portuguese version of the charing cross venous ulcer questionnaire was translated and adapted for use in brazilian population.
