
<正>Jeff loves the Internet.He always asks Mom for her phone so he can watch videos."Don ’t watch for too long or you’ll get in it!" Mom says to him.杰夫喜欢互联网。他总是问妈妈要手机,这样他就能看视频。"不要看太久,否则你会被拉进去的!"妈妈告诉他。One day,Jeff watched a cartoon video.Next,he watched one of a boy skating with a girl.Then,he watched another of a baby playing with a dog.With each video,Jeff’s face came closer and closer to the screen1.Suddenly2,Jeff was get into the Internet world.一天,杰夫看了一段卡通的视频。接着,他看到一个男孩和一个女孩在溜冰。然后,他看到一个婴儿和一只狗在玩耍。随着每一个视频的播放,杰夫的脸越来越靠近屏幕。突然,杰夫进入了网络的世界。