
<正>Brothers Jack and Mike were on their way home from school.At the traffic light2,they saw a man selling bubble-making toys.He put a circle3 model into a bottle,took it out and blew4 into it.A lot of bubbles flied into the sky.Some were in the colors of rainbow."Two dollars!"he said.At that time,the light now was green and the bus came.杰克和迈克兄弟俩正在放学回家的路上。在等红绿灯的时候,他们看见一个男人在卖制造泡泡的玩具。他把一个圆圈放进一个瓶子里面,又拿出来,然后往里面一吹,很多泡泡就飞到空中去了,有一些是五颜六色的。"2美元!"他说。这时候,灯变绿了,公共汽车来了。