A experi那ncia do professor orientador de estudante ind赤gena em enfermagem

作者:Vera; Ivania; Aversi Ferreira; Tales Alexandre; Lucchese; Roselma
来源:ACTA Paulista de Enfermagem, 2011.


the permanent program for monitoring of indian students (ppaeind) aims to serve indigenous students in the state of mato grosso (mt) who join the federal university of mato grosso (ufmt) in undergraduate courses, through special and differential selection process. the program provides a faculty mentor as a link between the university%26apos;s indigenous and non-indigenous students. this is an experience report of a faculty mentor in the nursing course at the campus rondon車polis, where two vacancies were filled by indigenous students in 2007. the experience to work as faculty mentor brought a challenge of cultural diversity in relation to the knowledge of care. therapeutic communication was an effective tool in the process.
