Evidence-based medicine (EBM) employs the best available evidence in a particular time and context to solve specific clinical problems. This method of practicing medicine has been adopted by most of the disciplines involved in medical training; however, morphology appears to remain beyond this paradigm. The first step in evidence-based practice based on morphology is to recognize the types of studies being conducted with regard to morphology, followed by the assessment of the level of evidence that they provide, which is the purpose of this study. We designed a bibliometric study, in which journals in the Master Journal List of Thomson Reuters, selected using the keywords %26quot;Morphology%26quot; or %26quot;Anatomy,%26quot; available between 2007 and 2008, with access to full text in electronic version, whose languages were English and Spanish, and which only considered studies on human morphology, were included. We analyzed a total of 790 articles, of which 93.1% were descriptive, 6.5% were analytical, and 0.4% were experimental design types. According to the stage of the study, most of the articles (94.8%) accounted for prevalence and differential diagnosis studies, concentrating on numerous designs such cross-section, which gave complex evidence (1c). The use of these methodologies for the systematic morphological knowledge allowed us to widen our research to generate clinically useful recommendations or merely a teaching approach based on the systematic morphological knowledge available. La medicina basada en evidencia (MBE), es la utilizaci車n de la mejor evidencia disponible en un momento y contexto determinado para la soluci車n de problemas cl赤nicos espec赤ficos, esta forma de practicar la medicina ha sido adoptada por la mayor parte de las disciplinas que participan en la formaci車n m谷dica, sin embargo, la morfolog赤a pareciera ser que se ha mantenido al margen de este paradigma. Un primer paso para el acercamiento de la morfolog赤a a la pr芍ctica basada en la evidencia, es reconocer los tipos de estudios que se realizan en morfolog赤a, el siguiente ser芍 la valoraci車n del nivel de evidencia que ellos aportan, ese es el prop車sito de este estudio. Se dise 車 un estudio bibliom谷trico, se incluyeron revistas que en el buscador de la Master Journal List de Thomson Reuters respondieron a las palabras de t赤tulo %26quot;Morphology%26quot; or %26quot;Anatomy%26quot;, que se encontraban vigentes, con n迆meros disponibles los a os 2007 y 2008, con acceso a texto completo en versi車n electr車nica y cuyos idiomas de publicaci車n fueran el ingl谷s y espa ol, s車lo se consideraron estudios de morfolog赤a humana. Se analiz車 un to