this work is a survey of the species of ochnaceae occurring in paran芍 state. two genera were recorded: ouratea aubl. with six species, o. claudei g.s. salvador, e.p. santos %26 cervi, o. parviflora (dc.) baill., o. salicifolia (a.st.-hil. %26 tul.) engl., o. sellowii (planch.) engl., o. spectabilis engl., o. vaccinioides (a.st.-hil. %26 tul.) engl. and sauvagesia l. with four species, s. erecta l., s. racemosa a.st.-hil., s. capillaris (a.st.-hil.) sastre and s. vellozii (a.st.-hil.) sastre. identification key, descriptions, illustrations, comments and geographic distribution are provided for each species.