Validaˋˋo de conte迆do do diagn車stico de enfermagem conhecimento deficiente

作者:Galdeano; Luzia Elaine; Rossi; Lidia Aparecida; Pelegrino; Flavia Martinelli
来源:ACTA Paulista de Enfermagem, 2008.


objective: perform content validation of the defining characteristics of the %26quot;deficient knowledge%26quot; diagnosis regarding coronary disease and myocardial revascularization. methods: fehring%26apos;s content validation model was used in this research. fifty nurses took part in the students, all of them experts in nursing diagnosis, cardiology and/or educational sciences. results: the defining characteristics considered most important were: verbalization of the problem (0.96), inaccurate performance of test (0.83) and expressing an incorrect perception about one%26apos;s health state (0.83). conclusion: the defining characteristic %26quot;inappropriate or exaggerated behaviors%26quot; (0.34) was considered insufficient to characterize the diagnosis under study. the results of this study can contribute to the adequate application of the studied diagnosis and support clinical validation studies.
