Potencial fitot車xico de extratos foliares de Aloe arborescens Miller (Asphodelaceae) produzidos em diferentes 谷pocas do ano

作者:Murakami; Cynthia; Cardoso; Fernando Leite; Mayworm; Marco Aurelio Sivero
来源:Acta Botanica Brasilica, 2009, 23(1): 111-116.


this study aimed to analyze seasonal variation in the phytotoxic potential of aloe arborescens miller leaf extract on lettuce (lactuca sativa l.) germination and growth. leaf samples were collected in the four seasons and were macerated in ethanol p.a. for 28 days. the extracts were fractionated into solutions made with ethanol and chloroform, and concentrations were reduced to 1%. phytotoxic activity bioassays were carried out in triplicate, under constant light and ambient temperature. only the spring chloroform extract showed strong phytotoxic activity on lettuce seed germination (16.67%). all extracts significantly reduced the first count, germination velocity index (gvi) and growth of the hipocotyl-root axis (hra) of the lettuce plants. however, the chloroform extracts showed greater phytotoxic activity, producing more intense morphology alterations on lettuce plants and showed greater content of phenolic compounds.
