The present study determined the main sources of Zn enrichment at the head of Ays谷n Fjord. The study considered the analysis of the river sediments that enter the fjord (fluvial record), the marine sediments at the head of the fjord (estuarine area record), and the sediments from stations along the fjord (horizontal concentration gradient). The Zn content was analyzed, as were Cd, Cu, and Pb as references. A different chemical attack was performed in order to estimate the total Zn and a sequential extraction techniques to estimate the %26quot;species%26quot; or fractions. The quantification was done using a polarographic analyzer (POL 150) coupled to a Trace Lab 50TM with square wave voltammetry and standard addition. Moreover, the sediment grain size, total organic matter, total organic carbon, and total phosphorus were analyzed. The results confirmed the highest zinc concentrations in the surface sediments at the head of the fjord. The profiles showed the highest concentrations of Zn at the surface. The fractional chemical attack indicated that residual Zn (60-80%) was the most abundant fraction. The Zn fractions associated with oxy-hydroxides and organo-metallics were similar (10-20%) and greater than the exchangeable fractions (5-10%). The residual Zn was associated with the lithogenic fraction and the rest corresponded to fluvial contributions main baseline components, whereas the remaining inflow corresponded to contributions associated with fluvial, advective, and anthropogenic components at the head of the fjord. The identification of the sources of Zn enrichment provides information relevant for implementing management policies to protect the area and indicates the changes due to anthropogenic sources Se identific車 las principales fuentes de Zn en la cabeza del fiordo Ays谷n. El estudio consider車 el an芍lisis de los sedimentos de los r赤os que ingresan al fiordo (registro fluvial), del sedimento marino en la cabeza del fiordo (registro 芍rea estuarial) y de las estaciones situadas a lo largo del fiordo (gradiente horizontal de concentraci車n). Se analiz車 el contenido de Zn y como referentes Cd, Cu y Pb. Se realiz車 un ataque qu赤mico para estimar el Zn total y un ataque secuencial para estimar %26quot;especies%26quot; o fracciones. La cuantificaci車n se realiz車 en un polar車grafo POL 150, acoplado a un analizador Trace Lab 50TM, con voltametria de onda cuadrada y adici車n est芍ndar. Adem芍s, se analiz車 la textura del sedimento, materia org芍nica total, carbono org芍nico total y f車sforo total. Los resultados confirmaron la mayor concentraci車n de Zn en los sedimentos superficiales de la