Soroepidemiologia da infecˋˋo por HTLV-I/II em populaˋˋo assistida pelo Programa Sa迆de da Fam赤lia em Salvador, Bahia

作者:Sodre; Helen Regina Silva; Matos; Socrates Bezerra de; Jesus; Andre Luis Santos Roque de; Lima; Fernanda Washington de Mendona
来源:Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial, 2010.


introduction: htlv is a retrovirus with high prevalence in salvador, bahia, when compared to other brazilian capitals. the study of its risk factors is very important in order to understand the infection dynamics in the municipality. objective: to assess the prevalence and some risk factors for htlv-i/ii infection among people assisted by the family health program (fhp) in salvador, bahia, brazil. materials and methods: biological samples were obtained from fhp health centers in salvador city. immunoassays were performed by elisa method for htlv antibody detection. retrospective data about potential risk factors to htlv infection were obtained through questionnaire. results: 765 samples were tested, 529 (69.2%) females and 236 (30.8%) males. the overall htlv-i/ii seroprevalence was 1.96%, increasing according to age. htlv-i/ii seroprevalence was 2.16% and 1.89% for males and females, respectively (p = 0.833). among seropositive individuals, 84.6% reported having a steady sexual partner and 61.5% do not use condoms frequently in their sexual intercourses, what similarly was observed among seronegative with 76.5% and 67.4%, respectively. conclusion: the seroprevalence found is considered high compared to other brazilian municipalities. the analyzed risk factors were not statistically different between htlv-i/ii seronegative and seropositive groups. the vertical transmission was not an important factor for virus maintenance.
