Near‐Infrared Photothermally Activated DNAzyme–Gold Nanoshells for Imaging Metal Ions in Living Cells

作者:Wenjing Wang; Nitya Sai Reddy Satyavolu; Zhenkun Wu; Prof. Dr. Jian‐Rong Zhang; Prof. Dr. Jun‐Jie Zhu; Prof. Dr. Yi Lu
来源:Angewandte Chemie, 2017, 129(24): 6902-6906.


DNAzymes have enjoyed success as metal ion sensors outside cells. Their susceptibility to metal‐dependent cleavage during delivery into cells has limited their intracellular applications. To overcome this limitation, a near‐infrared (NIR) photothermal activation method is presented for controlling DNAzyme activity in living cells. The system consists of a three‐stranded DNAzyme precursor (TSDP), the hybridization of which prevents the DNAzyme from being active. After conjugating the TSDP onto gold nanoshells and upon NIR illumination, the increased temperature dehybridizes the TSDP to release the active DNAzyme, which then carries out metal‐ion‐dependent cleavage, resulting in releasing the cleaved product containing a fluorophore. Using this construct, detecting Zn\u003csup\u003e2+\u003c/sup\u003e in living HeLa cells is demonstrated. This method has expanded the DNAzyme versatility for detecting metal ions in biological systems under NIR light that exhibits lower phototoxicity and higher tissue penetration ability.

  • 单位
    南京大学; 化学生物传感与计量学国家重点实验室