This paper presents the quality management in services and compares a difference between the requirements of the International Standard ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management Systems§ and The Common Assessment Framework.The International Standard ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management Systems. Fundamentals and vocabulary.§ Describes the service the result of at least one activity necessarily performed at the interface between the supplier and customer and is generally intangible.The customer isan operative element of the quality management system. The quality management system is that part of the organization*s management system that focuses on the achievement of results, in relation to the quality objectives, to satisfy the needs, expectations and requirements of interested parties, as appropriate.The organization shall establish, document, implement and maintain a quality management system and continually improve its effectiveness, also after the follow-up certification that obtain a competitive advantage, by the application standard ISO 9001:2000 %26quot;Quality management systems. Requirements.%26quot; The measurement result is composite at a public organisation, because it is that branch service in which they are specified as a long-time destination. The CAF has been designed for use in all parts of the public sector, applicable to public organisations at the national/ federal, regional and the local level. Using the CAF provides an organisation with a powerful framework to iniciatite a process of continuous improvement.