
the objective of the present research was to analyze 270; 330; 364 and 390 g.m-2 amounts of glue in the production of fenolic plywood, using two forest species; copaifera duckei and eperua oleifera, and evaluate the static bending of the panels. the wood came from an area of sustained forest pertaining to the plywood industry located in manicor谷, county of amazonas. the panels were produced with thicknesses of 2.2mm at the gethal amazonas s.a in itacoatiara - am. forty panels, 20 per species, were produced an industrial level, using a total of 8 treatments. the experiment was completely randomized with factorial arrangement. the european standard en 310: 1993 was used. the basic density values were 0.60 (g.cm-2) for copaifera duckei, and 0.62 (g.cm-2) for eperua oleifera. in static bending, parallel to the grain, only copaifera duckei presented a significant difference at 5% in the dunnette test for the properties of moe and mor. in the perpendicular sense to the grain, copaifera duckei and eperua oleifera presented significant differences, for moe as much as mor, at 5% of probability.
