In spite of the fact that the Ars predicandi populo is attributed to Eiximenis in only one of the three extant manuscripts, there is no doubt that it is one of his works. First of all, the internal references to this treatise in the pages of Ter and Dotz豕 del Cresti角 are an irrefutable testimony and, secondly, the presence of an autograph volume of sermons which begins with the Ars in the inventory of the Eiximenis library made shortly after his death. The writing of the Ars and the collection of sermons which introduces it must be dated prior to the beginning of the Cresti角 encyclopedia (1379) because of the complexity that entailed the writing of a collection of three perhaps four volumes of sermons. Due to a series of formal and codicological reasons it must be concluded that the chapter entitled De consiliis circa predicacionem cannot be attributed to Eiximenis and thus be excluded from the Ars. [ca] Tot i que l*Ars predicandi populo nom谷s 谷s atribu da a Eiximenis en un dels tres manuscrits que l*han transm豕s, no hi ha cap dubte que 谷s obra seva. En s車n una prova fefaent, en primer lloc, les remissions internes que es fan a aquesta obra des de les planes del Ter i del Dotz豕 del Cresti角, i, en segon lloc, la pres豕ncia d*un volum de sermons aut辰graf que comen ava amb l*Ars en l*inventari de la biblioteca d*Eiximenis fet poc despr谷s de la seva mort. Cal situar la redacci車 de l*Ars i de la col﹞lecci車 de sermons que encap alava abans de l*inici de l*enciclop豕dia del Cresti角 (1379) a causa de la complexitat que comportava la redacci車 d*una col﹞lecci車 de tres o fins i tot quatre volums de sermons. Per una s豕rie de raons codicol辰giques i formals cal excloure de l*Ars el cap赤tol De consiliis circa predicacionem, que en realitat no 谷s obra d*Eiximenis.