O cuidado da crianˋa prematura no domic赤lio

作者:Morais; Aisiane Cedraz; Quirino; Marinalva Dias; Almeida; Mariza Silva
来源:ACTA Paulista de Enfermagem, 2009, 22(1): 24-30.


objective: to characterize and describe home care to the premature baby provided by mothers or other caretakers. methods: a descriptive qualitative study was used. seven caretakers were interviewed in their homes. the data were collected through semi-structured interview and analyzed using content analysis. results: the emerged categories were: caring for the premature baby at home; living and interacting with the premature baby; and, the importance of social support in caring for the premature baby. conclusions: the mothers, as caretakers, provided proper care to the premature baby, expressed concerns regarding the baby's development and growth, and voiced the need of support to deliver proper care.
