
El objetivo final en la reconstrucci車n mamaria consiste en igualar lo m芍s posible el aspecto entre la mama reconstruida y la mama contralateral. Para ello, una vez conseguido el nuevo mont赤culo mamario mediante las distintas t谷cnicas de reconstrucci車n mamaria, utilizaremos otra serie de t谷cnicas quir迆rgicas que nos permitir芍n lograr dicha simetr赤a. De este modo, actuaremos por un lado sobre la mama contralateral (bien sea aument芍ndola, reduci谷ndola o elev芍ndola), y por otro lado actuaremos sobre la mama reconstruida, recreando un nuevo complejo areola-pez車n, el cual completar芍 la reconstrucci車n dando a esta mama un aspecto m芍s real y adecuado. The final objective of breast reconstruction is to equalise as far as possible the appearance between the reconstructed breast and the contralateral breast. To this end, once the new breast monticle has been obtained through different techniques of breast reconstruction, we employ a different series of surgical techniques that allow us to obtain symmetry. In this way, we act on the one hand on the contralateral breast (either increasing it, reducing it or raising it), and on the other we act on the reconstructed breast, recreating a new nipple-areola complex, which will complete the reconstruction by giving this breast a more real and suitable appearance.
