The present study focuses on newly conceptualized and observed significant differences between men and women regarding their subjective experience of their intimate relationships. The experimental paradigm was based on a new theory of masculinity and femininity developed by Lamontagne (2010), proposing one respective factor per dimension. This study (1) re-evaluates Lamontagne*s initial findings using a modified qualitative tool and a new quantitative measure: The Questionnaire of Objectality and Subjectality (QOS; Gabbay, 2010); (2) verifies the QOS* psychometric properties; (3) evaluates inter-sex differences on proposed factors; and (4) examines complementarity of femininity and masculinity between romantic partners. The modified qualitative tool, the Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI; Bem, 1974), and the QOS were administered to 134 individuals. Findings supported a theoretically coherent factor structure. Subscales demonstrated good reliability and the expected correlations with the BSRI. Gender differences were qualitatively and quantitatively significant. Within couples, partners* relative femininity and masculinity were complementary.