Eritema indurado como forma de presentaci車n de un caso de leucemia mielomonoc赤tica cr車nica

作者:Raya Sanchez; J M; Rodriguez Salazar; M J; Brito Barroso; M L; Guimera Martin Neda; F; alvarez Arguelles Cabrera; H; Hernandez Nieto; L
来源:Anales de Medicina Interna, 2004.


chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (cmml) is an oncohematologic disease with a mixed nature, myeloproliferative and myelodysplastic, and presenting features are usually the consequence of peripheral blood cytopenias (anemic syndrome, infections or bleeding). specific or non-specific cutaneous involvement in patients with myelodysplastic syndromes or chronic leukemias is exceptional, and it takes place often in advanced stages of the disease, as a preample of a transformation from chronic illness to acute leukemia. recognition and early diagnosis of the skin lesion by cutaneous biopsy, in every patient with myelodysplastic or myeloproliferative disease, have therapeutic and prognostic significance. we describe a patient who presented with a non-especific cutaneous lesion, bazin*s erhytema induratum, as initial manifestation of chronic myelomonocytic leukemia; we also comment diagnostic, therapeutic and clinical evolution aspects.
