we focused on the importance of laboratorial parameters as risk factors for acute myocardial infarction (ami). ami is one of the major problems of public health in the world. however, approximately two thirds of patients that attend emergency rooms do not have any cardiac injury or life risk illness, therefore not requiring to be hospitalized. fibrinogen concentrations measured during the acute phase of ami were related to cardiovascular death or a new ami event. this incidence was higher in the age range of 44 to 75 years in men, and 56 to 90 in women. approximately 73% of patients presented family history of coronary heart disease (chd), 66% were smokers, 63% presented hypertension and most of them were sedentary. increased incidence of ami in extreme temperatures was also observed. for fibrinogen concentrations (fbr), results demonstrated significant difference (p %26lt; 0.05) between control and ami patients. considering troponin (trop), creatine kinase (ck), the mb fraction of creatine kinase (ck-mb) and leukocytes count, results showed statistically significant differences. however, partial thromboplastin time activated (ptat), total cholesterol (tc), high-density lipoprotein (hdl), low-density lipoprotein (ldl), and triglyceride levels presented no significant difference between the studied groups. in conclusion, this work demonstrated a trend towards increasing fibrinogen concentration in patients with ami, revealing that it may be considered one of the cardiac markers for ami.