Togni-II Reagent Mediated Selective Hydrotrifluoromethylation and Hydrothiolation of Alkenes?

作者:Teng, Shuang; Meng, Lingkui; Xu, Bingbing; Tu, Guangsheng; Wu, Peng; Liao, Zhiwen; Tan, Yulin; Guo, Jian; Zeng, Jing; Wan, Qian*
来源:Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2021, 39(12): 3429-3434.


Main observation and conclusion Based on the redox reactions of Togni-II reagent and thiols, a thiol-tuned selective functionalization of unactivated olefins was disclosed. In combination with aryl thiols, stoichiometric amount of Togni-II reagent prompted a hydrotrifluoromethylation of alkenes, in which, aryl thiols played as reductant and hydrogen source; while by utilization of alkyl thiols, catalytic amount of Togni-II reagent initiated thiol-ene and thiol-yne reactions. The reported applications are characterized by their operational simplicity and wide functional group tolerance.