
This paper approaches the problem of identity in the modern world with the theoretical support of important sociologists such as Berger, Bauman, or Beck. In the first place, the general issue is tackled of how with the transition to modernity identity changes its nature and acquires specific traits which are examined, together with the discontents and reactions this change gives birth to. In the second place, two fundamental stages of modernity are distinguished which have a different effect on identity. Thus, I attempt to show that in the first stage of modernity identity rested on solid pillars, such as work, family, nation and religion, which tend to grow weaker in the second stage, so that identity becomes more fragile and unstable. To scape this fate, I conclude, many individuals adhere to a group identity, sometimes of a monolithic character, a rising phenomenon that will require further inquiries. Este art赤culo aborda la problem芍tica de la identidad en el mundo moderno apoy芍ndose en las ideas de te車ricos importantes de la sociolog赤a como Berger, Bauman o Beck. En primer lugar, se trata la cuesti車n general de c車mo con el paso a la modernidad la identidad cambia de naturaleza y adquiere rasgos propios, que se analizan, junto a los descontentos y reacciones que genera este cambio. En segundo lugar, se distinguen dos etapas fundamentales en la modernidad que afectan de forma diferenciada a la identidad. As赤, intento mostrar c車mo en la primera modernidad la identidad descansaba en unos pilares s車lidos- trabajo, familia, naci車n y religi車n- que tienden a debilitarse en la segunda modernidad, por lo que la identidad se vuelve m芍s fr芍gil e inestable. Para escapar a este destino, concluyo, muchos individuos se adhieren a una identidad grupal, a veces de car芍cter monol赤tico, un fen車meno en alza que merecer芍 estudiarse detenidamente.