Detecˋˋo de inibidores de tripsina e atividade hemaglutinante em sementes de leguminosas arb車reas da amazˋnia

作者:Chevreuil; Larissa Ramos; Gonalves; Jose Francisco de Carvalho; Bariani; Adriana; Rordrigues; Joo Victor Figueiredo Cardoso; Pando; Silvana Cristina
来源:Acta Amazonica, 2009, 39(1): 199-205.


different classes of proteins are common in leguminosae seeds, including trypsin inhibitors and hemagglutinin proteins, which act on proteolytic enzymes and cell-surface carbohydrates, respectively. the aim of this work was to quantify, to detect and characterize partially these proteins in seeds of tachigali plumbea, sesbania exasperata and ormosia costulata var. trifoliata. seeds of the three species were powdered and submitted to an extraction with a saline solution (nacl 0.15m - 10%, p/v). the resulting total extracts were used to quantify proteins content, detect the residual trypsin activity, hemagglutinating activity (ahe) and the proteic profile. residual trypsin activity was observed only for t. plumbea and s. exasperata, which values were 4 and 19% respectively. ahe was detected in extracts of all three species, total extracts of t. plumbea and s. exasperata hemagglutinated erythrocytes of rats, mice and hamsters, whereas o. costulata had this effect only on hamster erythrocytes. the proteic profile obtained by sds-page showed that t. plumbea and s. exasperata have a higher content of protein with an apparent molecular mass of 10 - 30 kda, while o. costulata predominantly contains proteic bands with molecular masses varying between 20 to 25 kda. it is concluded that total extracts of o. costulata and s. exasperata, species of the subfamily papilionoideae, present less trypsin inhibitors than t. plumbea (caesalpinioideae). ahe, both in form of minimum hemagglutinin concentration and the specified interaction with erythrocytes, differed even among species from the same subfamily.
