Colonizaˋˋo microbiana precoce de pacientes identificados por triagem neonatal para fibrose c赤stica, com 那nfase em Staphylococcus aureus

作者:Souza; Helena A P H M; Nogueira; Keite S; Matos; Adriana P; Vieira; Ricardo P; Riedi; Carlos A; Rosario; Nelson A; Telles; Flavio Q; Dalla Costa; Libera M
来源:Jornal de Pediatria, 2006.


objectives: to assess bacterial colonization prospectively in patients with cystic fibrosis identified by neonatal screening. to assess susceptibility to antimicrobials and to perform the molecular typing of staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from the oropharynx of patients during the study. methods: twenty-five cystic fibrosis patients receiving regular treatment at the cystic fibrosis outpatient clinic of hospital de cl赤nicas of universidade federal do paran芍 brazil, were included in the study. all patients were identified by trypsin-like immunoreactivity and their diagnosis was confirmed by two or more sweat tests. oropharyngeal swabs were collected and cultured according to routine methods; bacterial colonies were phenotypically identified and their susceptibility to antimicrobials was tested. s. aureus isolates were submitted to molecular typing using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. results: out of 234 oropharyngeal swabs, s. aureus was the most frequently isolated strain (76% of patients, 42% of swabs), followed by pseudomonas aeruginosa (36% of patients, 16% of swabs) and haemophilus spp. (76% of patients; 19% of swabs). seventy-three isolates were obtained from 19 patients colonized with s. aureus, of which 18 were oxacillin-resistant (24.6%), isolated from two patients, with the same electrophoretic profiles as that of the brazilian clone. the remaining oxacillin-sensitive isolates were distributed into 18 electrophoretic profiles. conclusion: there was higher prevalence of s. aureus, with earlier isolation than other pathogens. multi-sensitive isolates were distributed into different clones, characterizing non-transmissibility among community-acquired strains. the isolated oxacillin-resistant s. aureus showed identical electrophoretic profiles, probably acquired in hospital. p. aeruginosa was not so frequent in the studied population.
