Met芍stasis en iris de un carcinoma de mama: ˋmodifica el tratamiento la historia natural de la enfermedad?

作者:Perez Fidalgo; J A; Vila Arteaga; J; Chirivella Gonzalez; I; Martinez Belda; R; Bermejo de Lasheras; B; Rosello Kerann; S; Fons Moreno; A; Lluch Hernandez; A
来源:Anales de Medicina Interna, 2008.


the 4-5% of the breast cancer patients have metastases in the eye. we present the case of a 30-year-old woman with an infiltrant duct carcinoma of the breast pt2n2m0 her2 positive. six months after primary radical treatment she had a systemic relapse with multiples metastatic sites, so several treatment with trastuzumab in combination with chemotherapy were started. after 4 years patient presented multiple white-coloured micronodules in the iris of the right eye. only a 3-7.8% of ocular metastases are located in the iris. with mantenaince therapy with trastuzumab natural history of the illness has changed. several studies had analyzed if metastases in the brain during treatment with trastuzumab have increased in comparison with the pretrastuzumab era. the infrequent presentation of metastases in the anterior uveal makes difficult to establish if it is an spontaneous fact or if it is favoured by trastuzumab treatment.
