We report the discovery and analysis of a planet in the microlensing event OGLE-2018-BLG-0799. The planetary signal was observed by several ground-based telescopes, and the planet-host mass ratio is q = (2.65 +/- 0.16) x 10(-3). The ground-based observations yield a constraint on the angular Einstein radius theta(E), and the microlensing parallax vector pi(E), is strongly constrained by the Spitzer data. However, the 2019 Spitzer baseline data reveal systematics in the Spitzer photometry, so there is ambiguity in the magnitude of the parallax. In our preferred interpretation, a full Bayesian analysis using a Galactic model indicates that the planetary system is composed of an M-planet = 0.26(-0.11)(+0.22)M(J) planet orbiting an M-host = 0.093(-0.038)(+0.082) M-circle dot, at a distance of D-L = 3.71(-1.70)(+3.27) kpc. An alternate interpretation of the data shifts the localization of the minima along the arc-shaped microlens parallax constraints. This, in turn, yields a more massive host with median mass of 0.13 (circle dot). at a distance of 6.3 kpc. This analysis demonstrates the robustness of the osculating circles formalism, but shows that further investigation is needed to assess how systematics affect the specific localization of the microlens parallax vector and, consequently, the inferred physical parameters.
单位中国科学院; 清华大学; 中国科学院国家天文台